Digital Marketing

Get More Leads with Doctor Micro
Digital Marketing can help to make this happen for your business.
We have been doing this for a long time and know what works and what flops!
Each of the methods listed below can help get more visitors to your website, help market your products or services, and grow a list you can connect with anytime you like. We can help you by finding the right custom-made mix for your type of business.
Social Media
Social Media is everywhere and when done right can help your business grow consistently over time, making it a great choice for your marketing.
Email Campaigns
A good email campaign can not only help to grow your business but also keep you in touch with your existing customers keeping you top of mind.
Chatbot Automation
You see Chatbots all over these days and with good reason they not only work well-answering visitor questions but can help market your business.
Contest & Giveaways
A fun way to grow your list of leads and connect with potential customers in a viral way. Great for Local Brick and Mortar business too.
Content Marketing
Content Marketing can help you tell the world what your business is all about while positioning you as the authority in your field of expertise.
Animated Video
Engage, explain and sell with impact using short, simple animated videos. They are proven to be more effective than any other form of video.